Private & Group lessons - FOR BEGINNERS

Lessons will be an hour long and encompass learning to halter, lead, groom, saddle, and ride. You can haul-in your own horse or lesson horses are available on-site.

Lesson time will also include working on groundwork. This includes learning horse psychology and how horses communicate with us, and how we can communicate back. These skills are directly applicable to ridden work.

Riding will start with a focus on balance, position, and ability to give cues and communicate with the horse from the saddle.

Private & Group lessons - FOR ADVANCING RIDERS

Lessons will be an hour long and built around specific goals and skills set by you. Haul in your own horse or lesson horses are available on-site.

Advance your feel and timing to get your horse show-ready, or to help work through specific training concerns.

At the end of every lesson, you will have a better understanding of how horses think, and how to use that knowledge to reach your goals.


Ready to get started? Let’s connect!